Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Is Winning a Matter of Luck or Pure Coincidence?

Win a few successive games online on a casino website and you start to think that luck is in your favour. This in turn persuades you to make the most of that luck. You start inflating the sums that you gamble on, place more of bets or take some riskier chances. On more than one occasions such strings of wins may have helped you to get even smarter at the games. Nevertheless, some people have experienced that this is not consistently true in the world of casinos.

So, is good luck just a matter of imagination at betting? A series of wins can also be attributed to sheer ‘chance’ on that day and not because someone is born lucky or because he does/carries something in particular that makes luck better.

What is then the difference between chance and luck?

An answer is – Chance events are those that are beyond our control such as winning or losing in a lottery / betting activity. But luck is about being in the right place at the right time.

Still there are some people especially casino players who feel that they can attract positive vibes with items such as 4 leaf clover, wearing some particular finger ring or bracelet, having their lucky color close or even keep a handkerchief in pocket.

Call it sheer coincidence, chance or luck, but things do get interesting when your favorite website also awards something over and above the usual winnings. Anonymous Casino for example offers best bitcoin bonus to welcome new players and reward the veterans who have been playing for a while. Do not forget to check the ongoing promotional offers on the portal and our Facebook, Twitter page. Meanwhile, keep playing and improving both your luck and chances with every new win here.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

This is Why You Will Like to Gamble in the Online World

As life gets hectic and work demands rise, it is getting increasingly difficult for people to step out into the real world and indulge in fun activities that they love. 

The remedy then is to bring such activities inside homes through the internet. Online live casino brings plenty of opportunities for gamblers to play their favorite games including Roulette, Baccarat, Poker and Blackjack right from the comfort of their own house or anywhere in the world. 

An encrypted casino website is both fun and safe way to enjoy gambling at a lower cost than land casinos. For one, you do not have to fret about any dress codes. Most land casinos expect their patrons to dress up formally as they step into the parlors. When you are at online gambling portals with Bitcoin live dealers, you play from your den and can wear whatever you are most comfortable in. 

Secondly, when you gamble online, there is no worry about stepping out of the house. The nuisance of city traffic, the trouble of finding a parking spot and the extreme weather conditions do not play spoilsport to your plan of playing online for hours. You can play at any time through day or night. 

Thirdly and most importantly, online gambling makes sure that all your money is always safe with you. There are no worries about losing physical money that is a possibility at land casinos. An online casino allows the user to play through a secure server with no minimum deposit and that means the money in form of Bitcoins is safe in your personal account at all times.